
My Books and other academic publications

My Books (and how to get them)

           Settlement and Social Organization. The Merovingian Region of Metz (C.U.P.: Cambridge, 1995). pp.xx + 307. ISBN 0-521-44256-7. (Hardback: Out of Print)
a.          Paperback edition Cambridge, 2002. ISBN 0-521-52189-0  Buy it here 

                     Warfare and Society in the Barbarian West, 450-900 (Routledge: London, 2003), pp.xx + 320. ISBN 0-415-23939-7 (hardback); 0-415-23940-0 (paperback).

              Buy it here

            Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West, 376-568 (C.U.P.: Cambridge, 2007), pp.xxi + 592. ISBN 0-521-43491-2 (hardback); 0-521-43543-7 (paperback)
            Buy it here

Cemeteries and Society in Merovingian Gaul: Selected Studies in History and Archaeology, 1992-2009 (E.J. Brill: Leiden, 2010), pp.xviii + 417. ISSN 1378-4879; ISBN 978 90 04 17999 8
            Buy it here if you're rolling in it. (Or read the text here)

Early Medieval Cemeteries.  An Introduction to Burial Archaeology in the Post-Roman West (Cruithne Press: Glasgow, 1995). pp.78. ISBN 1-873448-07-4 (Out of Print but read the text here)

Joint-Authored/Edited volumes
Violence and Society in the Early Medieval West (edited volume) (Boydell: Woodbridge, 1998). pp.x + 230. ISBN 0-85115-713-0

a.          Paperback edition Woodbridge, 2002. ISBN: 0 85115 849 8  Buy it here

            Humour, History and Politics in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (edited volume) (C.U.P.: Cambridge, 2002). pp.xiv + 208. ISBN 0-521-81116-3.  Buy it here

People and Space in the Middle Ages, 300-1300, ed. W. Davies, G. Halsall & A. Reynolds (Studies in the Early Middle Ages 15; Brepols, Turnhout, 2006). pp.xvi +366. ISBN 978-2-503-51526-7.   Buy it here

Worlds of Arthur: Facts and Fictions of the Dark Ages.  (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013). ISBN-10: 019965817X, ISBN-13: 978-0199658176.  Buy it here or here or here if you're in the USA (where it's not published until 1 March)

My other publications (if you are interested!)

Journal Articles
1.                   ‘Playing by whose rules? A further look at Viking atrocity in the ninth century.’ Medieval History vol.2, no.2 (1992), pp.3-12.

2.                   ‘Female status and power in early Merovingian central Austrasia: the burial evidence.’ Early Medieval Europe 5.1 (1996), pp.1-24.

3.                   ‘Reflections on Early Medieval Violence: The example of the “Blood Feud”.’ Memoria y Civilización 2 (1999), pp.7-29.

4.                  ‘Movers and Shakers: The Barbarians and the Fall of Rome.’ Early Medieval Europe 8.1 (1999), pp.131-45.

a.        Reprinted in From Roman Provinces to Barbarian Kingdoms, ed. T.F.X. Noble (London, 2006), ch.9. [‘gathers the key thinkers in the field together in one easy-to-use volume’]

5.                  ‘Gender and the end of empire’, Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 34.1 (Winter, 2004), pp.17-39.

6.                  ‘The preface to Book V of Gregory of Tours’ Histories: Its form, context and significance.’ English Historical Review 122 (April, 2007), pp.297-317.

7.         The Technique of Barbarian Settlement in the Fifth Century: A Reply to Walter Goffart.’ Journal of Late Antiquity 3.2 1 (Spring 2010), pp.99-112.

Refereed Articles in Edited Collections

8.                   ‘The origins of the Reihengräberzivilisation: Forty years on.’ Fifth-Century Gaul: A Crisis of Identity? ed. J.F. Drinkwater & H. Elton, (C.U.P.: Cambridge, 1992), pp.196-207. [conference proceedings] ISBN 0-521-41485-7.

9.                   ‘Burial, ritual and Merovingian society.’ The Community, the Family and the Saint: Patterns of Power in Early Medieval Europe, ed. J. Hill & M. Swan, (Brepols: Turnhout, 1998), pp.325-38. ISBN 2-503-50668-2.

10.                   ‘Nero and Herod? The death of Chilperic and Gregory of Tours’ writing of history.’  The World of Gregory of Tours, ed. K. Mitchell and I.N. Wood, (Brill; Leiden, 2002), pp.337-50. ISBN 90-04-11034-8.

11.                ‘Don’t worry, I’ve got the key: Introduction.’ Humour, History and Politics in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, ed. Halsall (see above, no.5), pp.1-21.

12.                ‘Funny foreigners: Laughing with the barbarians in late antiquity.’ Humour, History and Politics in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, ed. Halsall (see above, no.5), pp.89-113.
Other Articles in Edited Collections
13.                 ‘Coverham Abbey: Its context in the landscape of later medieval North Yorkshire.’ The Archaeology of Rural Monasteries, ed. H.C. Mytum & R. Gilchrist, British Archaeological Reports (British Series), 203 (Oxford, 1989), pp.112-39. [Conference proceedings] ISBN 0-86054-610-1

14.                ‘Anthropology and the study of pre-Conquest warfare and society: the ritual war in Anglo-Saxon England.’ Weapons and Warfare in Anglo-Saxon England, ed. S. Chadwick Hawkes, Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monograph 21 (Oxford 1989), pp.155-77. [Conference proceedings] ISBN 0-947816-21-6.

15.                 ‘Social change around 600 AD: An Austrasian perspective.’ The Age of Sutton Hoo, ed. M.O.H. Carver, (Boydell: Woodbridge, 1992), pp.265-78. ISBN 0-85115-330-5 [Conference Proceedings].

16.                ‘The Merovingian period in north-east Gaul: Transition or change?’ Europe Between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Recent Archaeological and Historical Research in Western and Southern Europe, ed. J. Bintliff & H. Hamerow, British Archaeological Reports (International Series) 617 (Oxford, 1995), pp.38-57. [Conference Proceedings] ISBN 0-86054-798-1.

17.                ‘Towns, societies and ideas: The not-so-strange case of late Roman and early Merovingian Metz.’ Towns in Transition. Urban Evolution in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, ed. N. Christie & S.T. Loseby (Scolar: Aldershot, 1996), pp.235-261. [Seminar series proceedings] ISBN 1-8529-107-9.

18.                ‘Archaeology and Historiography.’ The Routledge Companion to Historiography, ed. M. Bentley, (Routledge: London, 1997), pp.807-29. [Commissioned] ISBN 0-415-03084-6.

19.                ‘Violence and society in the early medieval west: An introductory survey.’ Violence and Society in the Early Medieval West, ed. Halsall, (see above, no.4), pp.1-45.

20.                ‘Social identities and social relationships in Merovingian Gaul.’ Franks and Alamanni in the Merovingian Period: An Ethnographic Perspective, ed. I.N. Wood, (Boydell: Woodbridge, 1998), pp.141-65 (with discussion at pp.165-75). [Conference Proceedings] ISBN 0-85115-723-8.

21.                                        a.          ‘Bestattungssitten im Gebiet rund im die Nordsee zwischen ca. 350 und 700 n. Chr.’ Könige der Nordsee, 250-850 n. Chr., ed. E. Kramer, I. Stoumann & A. Greg (Leeuwarden, 2000), pp.93-104. [Exhibition catalogue] ISBN 90-9013950-8.

b.                   ‘Gravskikker omkring Nordsjøen 350-700 e/Kr.’ Nordsøens Konger, Nordsjøens Konger år 250-850. ed. E. Kramer, I. Stoumann & A. Greg (Stavanger/Esbjerg, 2000), pp.93-104 [Exhibition catalogue] ISBN 90-805940-1-6.

c.                    ‘Burial customs around the North Sea, c. AD 350-700.’ Kings of the North Sea, AD 250-850, ed. E. Kramer, I. Stoumann & A. Greg (Newcastle, 2000), pp.93-104. ISBN 90-805940-2-4. [Slightly expanded from the German and Danish/Norwegian versions.]

d.                   ‘Grafgebruiken rondom de Noordzee, ca.350-700.’ Koningen van de Noordzee, ed. E. Kramer, I. Stoumann & A. Greg (Den Haag, 2003), pp.113-24 [Dutch trans. of English version.]

22.                ‘La Christianisation de la région de Metz à travers les sources archéologiques (5ème-7ème siècle): problèmes et possibilités.’ L’Évangélisation des régions entre Meuse et Moselle et la Fondation de l’Abbaye d’Echternach (Ve-IXe siècle), ed. M. Polfer, (Linden: Luxembourg, 2000) pp.123-46 [Conference proceedings] ISBN 32-919979-13-2

23.                ‘Archaeology and the late Roman frontier in northern Gaul: The so-called Föderatengräber reconsidered.’ Grenze und Differenz im früheren Mittelalter, ed. W. Pohl & H. Reimitz, (Österreichische Akadamie der Wissenschaften: Vienna, 2000), pp.167-80. [Conference proceedings] ISBN 3-7001-2896-7

24.                ‘The Viking presence in England? The burial evidence reconsidered.’ Cultures in Contact: Scandinavian Settlement in England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries, ed. D.M. Hadley & J. Richards, (Brepols: Turnhout, 2000), pp.259-76. [collaborative project proceedings] ISBN 2-503-50978-9

25.                ‘Material culture, sex, gender and transgression in sixth-century Gaul: Some reflections in the light of recent archaeological debate.’ Sexuality, Society and the Archaeological Record, ed. L. Bevan, (Glasgow, 2001), pp.130-46. [Commissioned]. ISBN 1-873-448-19-8

26.              Childeric’s grave, Clovis’ succession and the origins of the Merovingian kingdom.’ Society and Culture in Late Roman Gaul. Revisiting the Sources, ed. R. Mathisen & D. Shanzer (Aldershot, 2001), pp.116-33. ISBN 0-7546-0624-4

27.              ‘Early medieval archaeology and history: some interdisciplinary problems and potentials for the twenty-first century’, in Mediävistik im 21. Jahrhundert – Stand und Perspektiven der internationalen und interdisziplinären Mittelalterforschung, ed. H.-W. Goetz & J. Jarnut (Wilhelm Fink Verlag; Munich, 2003), pp.165-87. [Conference proceedings] ISBN 3-7705-3888-9

28.                ‘Burial writes: Graves, “texts” and time in early Merovingian northern Gaul’, in Erinnerungskultur im Bestattungsritual. Archäologisch-Historisches Forum, ed. J. Jarnut & M. Wemhoff (Wilhelm Fink Verlag; Munich, 2003), pp.61-74. [Conference proceedings] ISBN 3-7705-3861-7

29.                ‘The Barbarian Invasions’, The New Cambridge Medieval History vol.1, ed. P. Fouracre (Cambridge, 2005), pp.35-55.  [commissioned] ISBN 0-521-36291-1.

30.                ‘The sources and their interpretation’ The New Cambridge Medieval History vol.1, ed. P. Fouracre (Cambridge, 2005), pp.56-90.  [commissioned] ISBN 0-521-36291-1.

31.                Villas, territories and communities in Merovingian northern Gaul’ in People and Space in the Middle Ages, 300-1300, ed. Davies, Halsall & Reynolds (see above, no.6), pp.209-31.

32.                Gräberfelduntersuchungen und das Ende des römischen Reichs’, in Zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter, ed. S. Brather (Walter de Gruyter; Berlin, 2008), pp.103-17. [Conference proceedings] ISBN 978-3-11-020049-2.

33.              ‘Beyond the Northern Frontiers’, A Companion to Late Antiquity, ed. P. Rousseau with J. Raithel (Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford, 2009), pp.409-25. [Commissioned]. ISBN 978-1-4051-1980-1

34.                Die Militarisierung Nordgalliens: Föderaten und »Föderatengräber«’ in 2000 Jahre Varusschlacht: Konflikt, ed. S. Burmeister & H. Derks (Konrad Theiss Verlag; Stuttgart, 2009), pp.270-8. [invited article in exhibition catalogue] ISBN 978-3-8062-2279-1 (bookshop edition)/978-3-8062-2313-2 (museum edition).

In Press and Forthcoming:

a.                    ‘The Western European kingdoms, 600-1000’, in The Cambridge History of War, ed. A. Curry

Short Notes

35                ‘La Civitas Mérovingienne de Metz: Quelques idées pour la recherche archéologique.’ Bulletin de Liaison de l’Association Française d’Archéologie Mérovingienne 12 (1988), pp.50-52.

36                ‘War, violence and early Merovingian society.’ Synopsis of Conference Paper. The French Historian vol.8, no.1 (September 1993), pp.10-12.

37            ‘Inhumation avec mobilier, la réligion et les relations entre la haute politique et la politique locale dans la Gaule mérovingienne et l’Angleterre anglo-saxonne, ca.450-ca.700.’ Paganisme et Christianisme en Europe de l’Ouest et du Nord (de l’Antiquité au Haut Moyen Âge: Résumés des Communications du 54e Sachsensymposium de l’Internationales Sachsensymposion: Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Archäologie der Sachsen und ihrer Nachbarvölker in Nordwesteuropa (Paris, 2003), pp.42-44.